Today was my official first day back at work. I hated it. I spent most of last night staring at Avery and crying. I can't believe how hard it is to even think about leaving her after being with her almost 24-hours a day for the past twelve weeks. Lets be honest, I knew my maternity leave would have to end eventually, but I didn't want it to be so soon. On one hand, I feel a little guilty because my company allows up to six-months off for maternity leave and I only took three. On the other hand, I know I needed to get back to work because my company is laying off again sometime next year and my boss was let go while I was on maternity leave. I need to attempt to make some sort of positive impression on my new boss. Gotta love this economy and job market-it adds a whole new level of stress to life!
Luckily, I am able to somewhat ease back into things at work. This week, I will be home doing administrative work most of the week so I can see Avery anytime I want. I also have to work a conference at the Lake of the Ozarks on Friday and Saturday, but Luke and Avery are joining me so I won't have to spend the night away from them.
Luke and I are very fortunate to have such helpful moms. They decided to donate their time over the next few weeks to come to Columbia and take care of Avery so she doesn't have to go to "school" right away. (I like to call Avery's daycare her school because it makes me feel better about having to take her.) Avery loves spending time with her grandmothers and Luke and I really appreciate the extra help. I know it will make my transition back to work a little easier.
Of course Avery is growing and changing more and more everyday. She is finally big enough to fit into her BOB stroller. We call it her "big girl" stroller. Doesn't she look cute?