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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

We're Having A Baby!

Luke and I went to the doctor today for an ultrasound and progress check. Unfortunately, I have not made any progress and the ultrasound shows that baby girl's growth has slowed down or stopped completely. As a result, Dr. Jones decided to proceed with inducing me. It looks like baby girl is just under 7 lbs and is in the 39th percentile for size at just over full term. She looked so cute on the ultrasound! We can't wait to meet her!

Luke and I got to the hospital a couple hours ago. The first part of the induction will happen tonight as the nurse will insert a special gel into my cervix. The idea is that it will help to dialate and soften my cervix. Tomorrow morning, Dr. Jones will come in and attempt to break my water. After that, I will start on a pitosin IV and we will hopefully have a baby by dinnertime on the 30th!

A couple hours before leaving for the hospital.

The beginning of the induction. Notice the smile.

Monday, June 22, 2009

40 Week Appointment

I had my 40-week appointment. It was rather depressing. Other than baby girl dropping a little, I have not progressed at all. My doctor said that he is almost 100 percent certain that baby girl will not make her appearance before her due date. Luke and I go back to the doctor next Monday for an ultrasound and to check my progress. Dr. Jones said that we will discuss my options after he sees the results of the ultrasound. He is tentatively scheduling an induction for Monday or Tuesday evening, but said that Luke and I can change the date or hold off if we want after we find out my progress.

So, the waiting game continues...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

39 Week Doctor Notes

I had my 39 week doctor appointment last Monday. It was rather uneventful. I am 60-75 percent effaced, but not dialated at all. My contractions have actually slowed down in the past week or two. I am beginning to think baby girl is just too comfortable!

Friday was my last day of work for at least three months. I can't wait to be able to spend a few months with our little one. Other than some nerve pain, I feel pretty good. Actually, I think I have been lucky with my pregnancy.

Luke has kept his travel close to home for the past couple weeks. It is really nice to have him home most nights. I will be a little sad when he has to return to his regular travel schedule.

Tomorrow is my 40 week appointment. Hopefully my doctor will be able to give us a better idea as to when he thinks baby girl will arrive.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

37 Weeks and Baby Musselman's Nursery

The past couple weeks have been rather slow at the Musselman household. We have tried to spend a lot of time relaxing and enjoying each other's company before our little one makes her big debut! I am currently 37 weeks pregnant so baby girl could theoretically arrive any time. On Monday, I had my weekly doctor's appointment and am not dialated at all. This is a good thing because my doctor will be out of town next week. He said he expects to see me still pregnant the following week. Other than extreme exhaustion and aches and pains from the extra weight on my belly, I feel pretty good.
Luke and I finally finished setting up baby Musselman's nursery. My dad and Luke painted it back in January and we have been slowly putting the rest of the nursery together. We are pleased with the results and hope baby girl enjoys her new room.

Our one-year anniversary is this weekend. I can't believe how quickly the past year has gone by. I am so happy to have Luke as my husband. I couldn't ask for a more kind, caring and supportive husband.

36 Weeks.

37 Weeks. I think the pregnant bikini scared a lot of people!