Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two Months

It's official, my baby girl is growing up way too fast. She turned two months old today and is quickly going from my cuddly little newborn to my feisty, independent baby girl. Sometimes Luke and I look at her and are simply amazed that we created this perfect little girl!
Over the past month, Avery has learned a lot of new things:
  • She loves to smile and coo.
  • When we put Avery in her car seat or swing, she likes to hold onto a blanket.
  • She follows people and objects with her eyes.
  • She smiles when she sees her mommy and daddy.
  • Her hands are her new favorite toys. Sometimes she just holds them in front of her eyes and stares at them in amazement.
  • She loves playing under her play gym and has started kicking and batting at the toys.

Right now, Miss Avery is sleeping on my lap while Luke and I watch Boston Legal and play on our laptops. I couldn't ask for a better life!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rotavirus, Swimming and Random Thoughts

Avery had her one-month well child check last week. At the visit, she weighed 8 lbs, 8 oz (50%), was 20.75" (50%) and her head measured 38.5 cm (75-90%). This means that in less than six weeks, Miss. Avery has gained 2.5 lbs. Wow! The doctor said that most babies gain between a half ounce to an ounce a day. I guess Avery is just an overachiever. I guess I don't need to be worrying about whether I am producing enough milk!

During the appointment, we found out that Avery likely had rotavirus. We called the doctor early last week because Avery was having a lot of diarrhea. This was not just normal baby bowel movements that she was having. This was the most explosive, foul smelling stuff I have ever encountered. Avery and I went to Omaha and Kansas City with Luke last week and Avery managed to soil every outfit we brought. She had to go home in her last clean pair of pajamas. The good news of the illness was that Avery wanted to eat nonstop while she was sick. This kept her from getting dehydrated and out of the hospital. The even better news is that she is all better now. How I wish she had been vaccinated at birth instead of during her upcoming two-month appointment.
Luke and I have learned that we strongly prefer Pampers newborn diapers to Huggies newborn diapers. While both brands of diapers leaked with the rotavirus, the Pampers blocked the leaks much better. We found that Huggies diapers even leak when the diaper is just wet.

The miracle blanket might be the world's best baby sleep tool. I realize it is just a fancy swaddling blanket, but it really works. (Thanks, Aunt Sherry!) When wrapped up in this contraption, Avery doesn't wriggle around and sleeps really well. Avery is a really strong baby and manages to get herself unwrapped when we just use a regular receiving blanket. She then ends up with the blanket covering her face and I fear suffocation. With the miracle blanket, it is virtually impossible for Avery to free herself.

As I write this post, we are driving to Minnesota for a friend's wedding. Luke is driving and my angel is sleeping. Aside from the speeding ticket Luke managed to get after only an hour of driving, life is good. Avery's personality seems to develop more and more each day. She has started to smile a lot, but still pouts when she is angry. She loves playing on the floor, taking baths, dancing with her mom, playing silly games with daddy and listening to music or mommy and daddy singing to her.
As you can see, I took Avery "swimming" in the bathtub. She wanted to test out her bikini, but swim diapers aren't small enough so I couldn't take her to our neighborhood pool. The next best option was the bathtub.

We recently started putting Avery in the Bumbo seat. I think babies look silly in the seat, but I gave in and bought one anyway. She seems indifferent to it.