Avery had her four month check-up yesterday and neither of us enjoyed it. She had to get two immunizations. During the check-up, I talked to the pediatrician about Avery's extreme fussiness, gassiness and eating issues. (Since Avery started school, she has decided to protest eating from anyone other than mommy or daddy. It has been incredibly frustrating and worrisome.) After a lengthy discussion, Avery was diagnosed with acid reflux. Luke and I suspected some GI issues for a while, but didn't want to be the crazy parents who thought their fussy baby was sick. Unfortunately, after last weekend, I couldn't take it anymore and decided that if there was nothing wrong with Miss. Avery, I would have to consider trading her in. Luckily, her fussiness seems to be justified. I think we'll keep her!
Avery's pediatrician told us we could begin putting rice cereal in Avery's bottles. We tried it last night and she seems to like it. Because of Avery's acid reflux and excema, the doctor is worried about possible food allergies so we have to wait until 6-months to start Avery on any other foods.
Avery has done a good job growing over the past two months. Her stats are as follows: height-23.75" (25-50%), weight-12 lbs, 12 oz (25%) and head circumference-43 cm (75%).
Avery is changing everyday. Sometimes I can't believe she was once my itty-bitty baby girl. She becomes more and more like a little person each day. It is so much fun watching her personality develop and grow. She LOVES looking at herself in the mirror. Whenever Avery gets fussy, we take her into a bathroom to look in a big mirror and she giggles and smiles at herself. She has started talking a lot. She also found her feet and loves to hold on to them when she is being changed or playing.
Over the past few weeks, Avery has become increasingly picky about her food. She recently quit breastfeeding and will only take a bottle. (This means I have to pump a lot. I hate it, but continue on...) She is also very particular about the temperature of her bottles. This is a change from when we could give her a cold bottle without protest.
Luke and I fall more in love with our baby girl everyday. She truly is our angel!