Happy second birthday, goosey girl! These past two years have been incredible, Avery. You surprize us each and every day as you learn and discover new things. From the way you say your name and sing your ABCs to the way you hug your cat and mother your baby, you never cease to amaze us. Although you continually challenge us, we love you more with each passing day.
To commemorate your 24 months of life, we decided to document our 24 favorite things about you.
Mommy and Daddy's top 24 favorite things about Avery:
- Your love for all animals.
- When you run away as we attempt to get you dressed.
- That your favorite color is blue.
- The way you say Walrus but laugh and refuse to say Grandma.
- That you call your elephant PJs "rrrrrrhhhh" with your right arm acting like a trunk.
- The way you jump.
- Showw. (shower)
- How you ask us to "turn outside on" (open the sunroof or open a car window).
- Your stink laugh.
- When you think something tastes really good and say, "That's so mmmmm."
- Your hugs.
- Your kisses.
- How much you love "waa" (water).
- When you whisper and talk to yourself.
- How you read in the morning to Oo-Oh (her monkey).
- Your B (Blanket).
- How Elmo is always in the same sentence (or fragment) as potty.
- The way you ask to sing songs by saying, "that one", and using whatever hand motions go with the song you want to sing.
- Your obsession with milkshakes.
- Your obsession with shoes and doggy shirts.
- The way you refuse to say Logan's name and simply refer to him as "baby", "mommy's baby" or "daddy's baby".
- Your full belly laugh when we tickle you.
- Your excitement and hugs when we pick you up at school each day.
- Your "master of the obvious" moments such as "daddy blows nose".
Avery, we feel so lucky to be your parents. Thank you for being such a smart, silly and fun-loving little girl. We look forward the years and adventures ahead of us.
Mommy and Daddy
One Year
Two Years