Much to Luke's dismay, cloth diapers have become my latest obsession. They are so much fun, cute, SOFT and "green". Aside from the obvious dirty diaper cleaning, what's not to love? Since switching over to cloth diapers, I stopped using diaper creams and haven't seen a single diaper rash. It's amazing! These diapers are unbelievably soft. I can only imagine how comfortable they are for my babies.
The switch to cloth has led me on a quest to find the "perfect" diaper. Luckily, I think I may have found it. By far, my favorite cloth diaper is the Bum-Ware Extreme AIO. Dear lord, these things are incredible! My favorite thing about the Bum-Ware diapers is the fit. They are so trim and absorbent. When the kids wear these diapers, their pants fit perfectly. Luke likes the Bum-Ware because of their ease of use. They work exactly like a disposable diaper so he doesn't get confused about inserts, snaps, etc. Bum-Ware recently introduced the Bum-Ware Adjustable AIO diaper. These diapers are very similar to the original Bum-Ware Extreme AIO except with the added benefit of being adjustable. The one downside to the adjustable diapers is that they aren't quite as trim as the sized diapers. In the end, although I do like the adjustable Bum-Ware diapers, and they are certainly more economical, I think I will stick to the sized diapers for future purchases.
When it comes to the best overnight diaper, Fuzzibunz One Size Pocket Diapers get my vote. They are trim, easy to use and have flexibility in their absorbency. I love that I can add extra inserts for nighttime use and can still keep the diapers trim for daytime use. With the FuzziBunz diapers, the only downside is the pocket itself. Stuffing diapers is an extra step that would rather not deal with. Additionally, the inserts must be taken out before washing so there is always a little more contact with bodily fluids than with AIO diapers.
Lastly, my vote for cutest diaper goes to NiteOwl Dipes. These are diapers made by a WAHM and they are beyond adorable. NiteOwl Dipes are custom made cloth diapers in a variety of prints. These diapers are adjustable all in two diapers and fit great. The same diaper fits both Logan and Avery and we have never had any leaks. The only downside to these diapers is the bulk. They are incredibly absorbent, but they are also quite bulky and don't fit well under shorts or pants. They are great for dresses or one piece jumpers, but since I usually have to bribe Avery to wear a dress, she does not wear the diapers often. We usually use the diapers for nighttime or Logan wears one while we are hanging around the house with a shirt.