Monster man-
I can't believe you are eleven months old. Actually, as the lilypie ticker on my blog kindly reminds me, you are 11 months and 5 days old. Where did time go? I just want to bottle up everything about you right now so I can take it out when you are 13, 18, 21 or 30. You truly are the sweetest, happiest baby boy I have ever seen.
At eleven months, you are always on the move. You took your first steps about a month ago, but haven't taken off with walking. You like to stand up from a sitting position and look at me like, "look ma, no hands". You might take a step or two, but then quickly realize crawling is much faster. You usually crawl on your tip toes with your little buns in the air.
Over the past few months, you have become a complete mama's boy. Whenever you see me, you start giggling and crawling toward me to pick you up. If you ever cry, all it takes is for me to talk to you or pick you up to get you to stop. You giggle and smile nonstop. All of your teachers at daycare are in love with you. The teachers in the infant classroom dread you leaving and the teachers in the toddler classroom constantly tell me how excited they are to have you join their class. Miss. Tatiana is your favorite teacher. If she is there when I drop you off, you try to jump out of my arms to her.
Recently, you have become very vocal. You say, "mama, yeah, and thank you". You also like to say, "ba ba ba" all the time. We aren't sure what it means, but we love hearing it. You have the best belly laugh. It doesn't take much to get you to laugh so we get to hear it often. Growling is your other form of communication. It is beyond adorable.
Your favorite toys usually make noise. You love playing with the musical activity tables, maracas, cups, cars and door stoppers. You also enjoy bath time and splashing with your sister. The bathroom and I are both usually soaked by the end of bath time, but I don't mind because you and Avery have so much fun.
Table food is your preferred food. You haven't eaten baby food in over two months and drink very little breast milk or formula. We try to offer the liquid foods, but you simply prefer solids. You will eat just about anything and often eat as much as your mama. When you see food, you get ridiculously excited.
The following are some of your eleven month stats:
- Weight: 17lbs, 9 oz
- Teeth: 4 bottom, 2 top
- Sleep: 10-11 hours at night, 1 nap (1-2 hours)
- Favorite Animal: cat
- Favorite Person: Close tie between mama and Avery
- Favorite Toy: Car
I Love you!