For the next month, Avery and I are the same age. The only difference is a minor multiplier of twelve. Details, right? Avery is now thirty months or two and a half years old.
If I had to choose one word to describe the difference between Avery at two and two and a half, it would be, MORE. Avery talks MORE, she has MORE hair (YEAH!), her tantrums and mood swings are MORE frequent and MORE dramatic, her hugs are MORE powerful and her imagination is MORE vivid. I'm sure everyone can guess the attributes I appreciate most and least, right?
As many of you who have spent even five minutes with Avery know, she talks A LOT. Honestly, I knew she talked more than the average two year old, but I didn't realize how much more until recently. Avery and Logan just started at a new daycare and when I picked Avery up from her first day, I was stopped four times by people saying, "Avery talks really well for her age." I even had two people tell me that she "tells a lot of stories." I think we might be in trouble.
Tantrums. Let me just say, I could definitely live without them. I think all two year olds have slight split personalities and Avery is no exception. She is either the sweetest girl on earth or not. She is quick to say sorry and give hugs if you get hurt or happen to be sad, but often loses her mind when she doesn't get her way.
Avery recently developed the "mommy" gene. It is so sweet. She has a Cabbage Patch Kid baby doll that is her baby. This baby is a girl, and Avery recently changed her name from "baby" to "Logan." Of course this isn't confusing at all when she asks, "Where's Logan?" Avery likes to rock her baby, feed her, read to her and even give her the occasional time out. You see, Avery's Logan seems to have a biting problem. :-) Often, when Avery carries her baby around, she insists that I carry my baby as well. I just love that Avery has become more of a nurturer these days.
Two and a half is fun. I just wish it included potty training for Avery. Dear lord, this is our biggest battle. Miss Avery has NO interest. She will sit there and say, "I'm pooping", but refuse to sit on the potty. I have tried to take her diaper away and just put her in panties three times. She not only refuses to sit on the potty, but will also pee or poop all over herself acts like nothing happened. It drives me crazy, but I think I have almost convinced myself that she won't go to Kindergarten in a diaper.
Well, potty training battles aside, my girl is pretty amazing. At two and a half some of Avery's favorite things are riding her bike, pretending to be a shark or a lion, playing with friends, going to gymnastics, Logan, her cat (Scout) and mommy. She surprises me each and every day with the new things she learns. I can't wait to see what the next six months have to offer, but for now, I will just enjoy my sweet two and a half year old.