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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Back to School

Just like that, summer is over.  The kids officially started their new school year at the end of August.  Avery is now in Pre-Kindergarten and LOVES being one of the big kids at The Academy.  She gets to fill out her own daily sheet and even has homework each week.  Logan is still a Lords and Ladies at The Academy.  His class is filled with kids from two and a half to three and a half years old.  Since he didn't move up to a new class, we decided to mark the beginning of the school year with the end of diapers.  On the first day of the new school year, I woke Logan up, had him go potty, put him in underwear and sent him to school with plenty of extra clothes and undies.  He's doing pretty well, but I wouldn't call him "potty trained".  He still has to be reminded to go potty and isn't pooping in the potty, but most days are accident free so I'm pleased.

So far the school year has gone well.  Both kids are exhausted when they get home and love talking about their school adventures each day.  Selfishly, I'm savoring this year before Avery starts kindergarten and we have to adjust to a regular schedule with a 7:20 start time.  Eek!  :-)