Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gettin' Fit

As I approached turning 30 a couple years ago, everyone kept telling me my body would start changing. I wouldn't be able to continue eating endless amounts of chocolate, shop for butter in bulk or drink my beloved coke without feeling it on my waistline.  I didn't want to believe these nasty warnings until 32 hit and I started seeing these changes for myself.  For a few months, I did what any reasonable person would do and complained to Luke about my changing body on a daily basis.  Then, after mourning and complaining (and maybe a few eye rolls from Luke), I knew I needed to make a change. Since I had no intention of changing my diet, I knew a change in my exercise regime was the only option.

For months, a friend of mine had been telling me about a new workout in Columbia called Pure Barre. As usual, I kept ignoring her recommendation knowing that I was not a fan of exercise classes or paying for something I could do on my own.  (To be transparent, paying for exercise FAR outweighed my dislike of classes.)  Fortunately, after meeting my friend for a lunch of a massive Five Guys burger and fries, she politely invited me to join her at Pure Barre one last time. I accepted and immediately fell in love.

Seriously, friends, this class is amazing!  I hurt in places I never knew I could hurt and used muscles I didn't know I had.  Pure Barre is an hour of strength and toning exercises. The class is strangely relaxing and ridiculously hard at the same time.  At every class, I am able to fully focus on the task at hand while everything else in my life seems to melt away.  When I leave I am equally happy it is over and anxiously awaiting the next class.

Here's the deal: in Pure Barre, you use a Ballet Barre for a lot of the exercises, but you do not have to have any dance history.  For the record, the only dance class I have ever taken was when I was five years old and I quit after the first class. I am painfully uncoordinated and couldn't touch my toes before I started taking Pure Barre.  I also mess up at least once in every class, but the instructors are amazing as they walk around and gently correct form and technique.

At first, I signed up for a month of unlimited classes and after taking 24 classes in 30 days and seeing a 3% decrease in body fat, I signed up for six additional months of unlimited classes.

Friends, if you are looking to change up your work out or start something new, I highly recommend looking for a Pure Barre studio in your area.  If you are one of my three Columbia friends reading this, visit Lauren at the Pure Barre studio in Columbia and try a class.  I promise, you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Family Video Portrait

About a month ago, our family had a family video portrait done.  It turned out perfectly to reflect Avery and Logan's personalities.  I love that we have this to look back on to remember this special time in their lives. Thanks to Kent and Carolyn at Kent and Carolyn Photography in Springfield, MO for your amazing work!

Enjoy this little glimpse into the life of a Musselman.