Fortunately, Miles' birth story is fairly uneventful. We scheduled a c-section for March 21, but my water broke minutes after I climbed into bed at 11:15 pm on March 18. I hadn't been feeling well all day, but certainly didn't think I was in labor. When my water broke, we called a neighbor to come stay at the house with the big kids until my mom could get to Columbia. By the time we got to the hospital, I was in a lot of pain and ready for an epidural. I was lucky because my OB-GYN was on call and I was the only patient in labor and delivery the entire time I was there. After getting checked in and changed, Dr. Jones checked me and I was dilated to a 5. At this time, Dr. Jones discussed a VBAC with me. I initially declined and began signing all of my c-setion paperwork, but as I signed the paperwork, I started getting anxious. Dr. Jones came back into the room and convinced me to attempt a VBAC with the promise that I could switch to a c-section at any time. With the decision made, I was able to get my epidural. At first, the epidural only worked on the left side and it took quite a bit of manipulation to get it to work on both sides. (This was fine except that it took FOREVER to wear off.) Once the epidural was working and in place, Luke took a nap and I relaxed for a couple hours. At around 4:00 am, Dr. Jones came in to prep me to push. I pushed through two and a half contractions and Miles and was born at 4:23 am. Miles weighed 7 lbs, 3 oz and was 21 inches with a full head of dark hair.
Avery, Logan, Luke and I all completely adore sweet Miles. I can't get enough baby snuggles and the big kids constantly hold and hug and kiss him. It is so much fun to see them with their baby brother.