Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 5, 2010

8 Months

Luke and I both had to travel for work this week. Luckily, Grandma Greene volunteered her time to watch Miss Avery while we were gone. Of course, Avery and her grandmother both had a great time. When I returned from my trip, I suddenly realized how grown up my little girl has become. Sometime over the past few months, Avery has transformed into a little person with a huge personality. She is just so much fun to be around.

While I was in Chicago, Avery learned how to feed herself. I seriously almost cried when I saw her new trick. You see, we started feeding her those Gerber puffs a couple weeks ago, but she didn't seem to understand the concept of putting them in her mouth. Instead, Avery would pick up a puff in each hand and keep a death grip on them until Luke or I pried them out of her hands. When I got home on Thursday night, I put some puffs on her high chair while I was defrosting her food. To my surprise, she immediately picked one up and put it in her mouth. Yeah, Avery! Now, Avery likes to shove as many puffs into her mouth as possible. She is definitely Luke's daughter.

As of eight months, Avery continues to sport her adorable toothless grin. It's funny because her pediatrician has told us that teeth are coming, "any day now", every time we have seen her since Avery's four month appointment. I keep checking, but still no pearly whites!
Avery is finally starting to grow out of her 0-3 month clothes. About time! Her pants still fit, but I had to pack up most of her shirts, onesies and pajamas.

Avery loves to jump and dance. Her favorite toys are her activity jumper, Elmo activity table and balls. She LOVES animals! Every time Avery sees a cat or dog, she squeals and giggles. It is absolutely adorable. She has very little interest in crawling, but is starting to scoot backwards. In the morning, she usually wakes up doing push ups while singing. Again, adorable! Avery has started pulling herself up and likes to "walk" while holding someones hands.

Unfortunately, separation anxiety has started to set in. The good thing is that it only lasts a minute or two before Avery forgets why she was upset. Avery loves cheesing it up and flirting with for new people. She is the queen of different faces and she especially likes squinting her nose. In fact, the teachers at her school send me picture messages of her various faces on a regular basis.

Luke and I couldn't be happier with our baby girl. Who wouldn't love this face?

Playing in my new toybox that Grandpa Greene built.

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