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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Scary, But True!

Yes, it's true. I am pregnant again. Baby Musselman #2 (The Revenge, as my wonderful husband has named it) is expected to make his/her arrival on November 22. The first question I asked my doctor when I found out I was pregnant was, "Are you on call for Thanksgiving?" Luckily, he is. My second question: "Dr. Jones, how did this happen?" His response, "Well, aside from the obvioius, I attribute this to the failure of birth control." I guess I can no longer judge teen girls or other unplanned pregnancies. It can happen to anyone, even me. -Luke has just pointed out that our soon-to-be child will probably find this on the internet in many years and blame all of his/her issues on the fact that this wasn't planned.
All of our lives are going to turn upside down, but Luke, Avery and I are excited for the adventures that lie in front of us. It's going to be a wild ride, but we're ready.


Katie said...

Congratulations!!! Crazy, but exciting! Avery is just adorable, and I think you'll feel so completely blessed when little bro or sis arrives!

sarah said...

yes, life changes with one child, even more when the second arrives (agnes was just shy of 23 months when milo was born)... two little ones is a challenge to one's patience, but soooo worth it! i keep reminding myself that once milo is mobile, agnes will keep him entertained & i will (hopefully) be able to keep a clean house again... i'm taking "notes" as each day passes -- you are MORE THAN WELCOME to "borrow" any of them :)