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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Two Months

Two months from today, I will hold the newest baby Musselman. Although this may or may not be the first time I hold my sweet baby, he or she will be here no later than November 23. Wow! Two months. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by. Because Luke has to go to Taiwan at the end of November, we scheduled an induction for the day after my due date. Thankfully, both grandmothers have already offered their services while he is out of town.

The pregnancy and preparation have been so much different this time around. There simply isn't any time to plan or prepare right now. We have 1000's of diapers and wipes and ordered couple of our favorite swaddle blankets, The Miracle Blanket, so I figure we have the necessities! We are currently trying to sell our house so we don't plan on setting up a nursery until after we move. Until then, the new baby will sleep in either a bassinet or pack n play in our room. Sometimes I feel bad for the new baby, but then remember that he or she will never know that we didn't plan.

Avery is doing great. She is trying to talk more and more each day. It is adorable, but frustrating for both of us. She seems to think I should understand everything she says. Her favorite words are Scout, dog, hi, bye, please and daddy (sigh). Lately, we have been trying to get her ready to be a big sister. She loves to kiss my belly and push in my belly button. She also likes to show her belly to everyone. We try to teach her about babies with her Bitty Baby and other babies that we see. Unfortunately, she is still learning the concept of "gentle." At least we still have time.

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