As always, we have been busy in the Musselman household. Luke is finally home for a few weeks after two months of constant travel. During this time, he did business in South Carolina, California, Washington, Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Taiwan. I'm sure I missed a place or two, but I should get some credit for trying to remember his schedule. While Luke traveled all over the world, I have been busy taking care of the kids and trying to get back into the swing of things at work.
Avery is doing great. Tomorrow, she will be 21 months old. She talks nonstop and amazes us every day. At 21 months, Avery:
- knows how to put on her own shoes and socks.
- consistently says "please" and "thank you"
- is obsessed with stamps and asks to ride the carousel at the mall just so she can get her hand stamped.
- drinks really well out of a cup.
- loves her baby and sock monkey.
- learned the word, "no". I'm not sure how we avoided it for so long, but I would like it to go away.
- still has a love affair with cereal. It is the first thing she asks for when she wakes up in the morning.
- prefers showers over baths.
- can read the words, "Elmo", "Mama" and "Daddy".
Logan has had a rough month. He cannot seem to get healthy. The doctor's office jokes that we should have a frequent visitor card since we are there so often. Today, Logan was back in the pediatrician's office with another double ear infection and upper respiratory infection. The pediatrician has recommended a visit to the ENT and told us to expect tubes. On the plus side, Logan is a trooper and has stayed a pretty happy, calm baby throughout all of this sickness.
At four months, Logan:
- is still my little man. At his four month WCC, he measured 24" (25-50%) and weighed 11 lbs, 12 oz (5%).
- wears 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes.
- sleeps eight to ten hours a night and takes two to three naps a day.
- loves to smile and coo.
- loves playing in the bath and kicking in the water.
- could look at his hands for hours.
- found his feet.
- is not a big eater. He prefers to stare and smile at mama instead of eating while he nurses.
- started rice cereal. He hates it.
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