Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Logan: Three
Today you, my silly boy, turned three. I like this picture because it encapsulates everything I love about you. Logan, you are unbelievably confident and stubborn, yet silly and loving. You can bring me to my breaking point by throwing a huge fit, then change my reaction in a second with a simple "mommy kiss?".
You are funny, imaginative and smart. At school, your teachers tell me that you are always the first to know your letters, numbers and days of the week. You love Spanish and sign language class and often come home teaching mommy and daddy (and sometimes even Avery) your new words and signs. You constantly tell jokes and think you are the funniest kid on earth. (Truthfully, I often think you are too. :-))
Your favorite toys are dinosaurs, Lightning McQueen and excavators. When you go to bed at night, you have to take ALL your favorite toys with you. Sometimes I wonder how you fit in the bed with all of your "stuff". Daddy and I don't fight it because you go to bed without a fuss every night and usually wake up happy and singing.
Your appetite is still lacking. For some reason, food just isn't a priority for you unless it's chocolate or cookies. Clearly, there's no denying you are my son!
You know how to manipulate your mommy, sweet boy. Tonight, as I put you in bed, you asked for another book. I said no and told you that you could read it to yourself in bed. Your response, "But mommy, I don't know all the words so I really really need your help." We read the book.
Jack Attack, you are the true love of my life (don't tell daddy). I can't imagine a day without your kisses, jokes and love in my life.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Gettin' Fit
As I approached turning 30 a couple years ago, everyone kept telling me my body would start changing. I wouldn't be able to continue eating endless amounts of chocolate, shop for butter in bulk or drink my beloved coke without feeling it on my waistline. I didn't want to believe these nasty warnings until 32 hit and I started seeing these changes for myself. For a few months, I did what any reasonable person would do and complained to Luke about my changing body on a daily basis. Then, after mourning and complaining (and maybe a few eye rolls from Luke), I knew I needed to make a change. Since I had no intention of changing my diet, I knew a change in my exercise regime was the only option.
For months, a friend of mine had been telling me about a new workout in Columbia called Pure Barre. As usual, I kept ignoring her recommendation knowing that I was not a fan of exercise classes or paying for something I could do on my own. (To be transparent, paying for exercise FAR outweighed my dislike of classes.) Fortunately, after meeting my friend for a lunch of a massive Five Guys burger and fries, she politely invited me to join her at Pure Barre one last time. I accepted and immediately fell in love.
Seriously, friends, this class is amazing! I hurt in places I never knew I could hurt and used muscles I didn't know I had. Pure Barre is an hour of strength and toning exercises. The class is strangely relaxing and ridiculously hard at the same time. At every class, I am able to fully focus on the task at hand while everything else in my life seems to melt away. When I leave I am equally happy it is over and anxiously awaiting the next class.
Here's the deal: in Pure Barre, you use a Ballet Barre for a lot of the exercises, but you do not have to have any dance history. For the record, the only dance class I have ever taken was when I was five years old and I quit after the first class. I am painfully uncoordinated and couldn't touch my toes before I started taking Pure Barre. I also mess up at least once in every class, but the instructors are amazing as they walk around and gently correct form and technique.
At first, I signed up for a month of unlimited classes and after taking 24 classes in 30 days and seeing a 3% decrease in body fat, I signed up for six additional months of unlimited classes.
Friends, if you are looking to change up your work out or start something new, I highly recommend looking for a Pure Barre studio in your area. If you are one of my three Columbia friends reading this, visit Lauren at the Pure Barre studio in Columbia and try a class. I promise, you won't be disappointed.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Family Video Portrait
About a month ago, our family had a family video portrait done. It turned out perfectly to reflect Avery and Logan's personalities. I love that we have this to look back on to remember this special time in their lives. Thanks to Kent and Carolyn at Kent and Carolyn Photography in Springfield, MO for your amazing work!
Enjoy this little glimpse into the life of a Musselman.
Enjoy this little glimpse into the life of a Musselman.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Back to School
Just like that, summer is over. The kids officially started their new school year at the end of August. Avery is now in Pre-Kindergarten and LOVES being one of the big kids at The Academy. She gets to fill out her own daily sheet and even has homework each week. Logan is still a Lords and Ladies at The Academy. His class is filled with kids from two and a half to three and a half years old. Since he didn't move up to a new class, we decided to mark the beginning of the school year with the end of diapers. On the first day of the new school year, I woke Logan up, had him go potty, put him in underwear and sent him to school with plenty of extra clothes and undies. He's doing pretty well, but I wouldn't call him "potty trained". He still has to be reminded to go potty and isn't pooping in the potty, but most days are accident free so I'm pleased.
So far the school year has gone well. Both kids are exhausted when they get home and love talking about their school adventures each day. Selfishly, I'm savoring this year before Avery starts kindergarten and we have to adjust to a regular schedule with a 7:20 start time. Eek! :-)
So far the school year has gone well. Both kids are exhausted when they get home and love talking about their school adventures each day. Selfishly, I'm savoring this year before Avery starts kindergarten and we have to adjust to a regular schedule with a 7:20 start time. Eek! :-)
Sunday, June 30, 2013
A Letter To Avery On Her Birthday
Dear Avery-
Happy Birthday, sweet girl! You are four. Honestly, I am freaking out a bit. In a little over a year, I will send you off to kindergarten. I know you think you are already ready to go, but your mommy may never be ready. Sometimes I ask you to stop growing up and stay my little girl forever. You always giggle and tell me that you will soon be as big as me. I have no doubt that will happen before we know it.
As much fun as your birthday is for you each year, Avery, it is also a special time for me. Your birthday marks the day I became a mommy, the day YOU made me a mommy.
The second you were born, my heart burst open with love, and I haven't spent a moment since without the strange, full, burst-open heart feel. You truly are a love of my life.
Avery, I know moms are supposed to lead their children through life, but at times it seems that you do most of the leading, most of the teaching. You see, as my first-born, you taught me how to be a mom to an infant, a mom to a 1-year-old, a 2-year-old, a 3-year-old and now I follow you into 4.
At four years old, you are a kind, caring, silly little girl. You love superheroes and trucks even more than you love princesses and dolls. You currently hate shopping because you say it's "born". You have a great group of girlfriends and already bicker with them like sisters. You watch out for your little brother and almost always share with him. When you get to pick a prize out of the treasure box at school, you often choose something to give to Logan. You have your mommy's song-lyric memory and daddy's love of all things outside.
Everyday I get to spend with you is an adventure. Sometimes we are princesses in a castle or professional kick ball players and other times we are race car drivers or chefs or mommies. I love your imagination and your free-spirited nature. I love your random hugs, cuddle requests and "I love you's". I just love you, sweet girl. To me, you are the most precious, kind and beautiful girl in the whole world and I feel so proud that you are mine.
So, happy day, goosey girl. I can't wait to see what four has in store for both of us!
Happy Birthday, sweet girl! You are four. Honestly, I am freaking out a bit. In a little over a year, I will send you off to kindergarten. I know you think you are already ready to go, but your mommy may never be ready. Sometimes I ask you to stop growing up and stay my little girl forever. You always giggle and tell me that you will soon be as big as me. I have no doubt that will happen before we know it.
As much fun as your birthday is for you each year, Avery, it is also a special time for me. Your birthday marks the day I became a mommy, the day YOU made me a mommy.
The second you were born, my heart burst open with love, and I haven't spent a moment since without the strange, full, burst-open heart feel. You truly are a love of my life.
Avery, I know moms are supposed to lead their children through life, but at times it seems that you do most of the leading, most of the teaching. You see, as my first-born, you taught me how to be a mom to an infant, a mom to a 1-year-old, a 2-year-old, a 3-year-old and now I follow you into 4.
At four years old, you are a kind, caring, silly little girl. You love superheroes and trucks even more than you love princesses and dolls. You currently hate shopping because you say it's "born". You have a great group of girlfriends and already bicker with them like sisters. You watch out for your little brother and almost always share with him. When you get to pick a prize out of the treasure box at school, you often choose something to give to Logan. You have your mommy's song-lyric memory and daddy's love of all things outside.
Everyday I get to spend with you is an adventure. Sometimes we are princesses in a castle or professional kick ball players and other times we are race car drivers or chefs or mommies. I love your imagination and your free-spirited nature. I love your random hugs, cuddle requests and "I love you's". I just love you, sweet girl. To me, you are the most precious, kind and beautiful girl in the whole world and I feel so proud that you are mine.
So, happy day, goosey girl. I can't wait to see what four has in store for both of us!
...And She's Four
- What is your name? Avery Musselman
- What is your favorite color? Blue
- What is your favorite song? A,B,C,D,E,F,G
- What is your favorite sport? Kickball
- What is your favorite TV show? Backyardigans
- What do you like to do with daddy? Ride bikes
- What do you do really well? I'm really good at not hitting my friends and helping my friends do things that are really hard.
- What is your favorite outfit? Dress
- What is your favorite book? Curious George
- Who is your best friend? Josalyn and Audrey
- Where do you want to go on vacation? Stay at a hotel in St. Louis
- What is your favorite cereal? Ball Cereal
- What is your favorite fruit? Peaches
- What is your favorite food? Spaghetti and Meatballs
- Who is your favorite person in the whole world? Josalyn
- What do you like to do with your friends? Play house
- What do you like to do with Logan? Wrestle
- What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a mommy and do what you do (mommy) and work with you.
- What is your favorite toy? Trucks and blocks
- What do you like to take to bed? Iguana and "B"
- What is your favorite thing to do outside? Run
- What is your favorite animal? Walrus
- What makes you laugh? Clowns because they juggle and ride on elephants.
- What do you like to do with mommy? Play trucks.
Just like every other toddler on the planet, Avery often comes up with funny things to say. The following are a few of my favorites from the past year:
- Avery on diversity: "Some people have white skin and some people have brown skin and some people have skin with itchy red spots just like me."
- Avery on family: "Logan is Scout's (cat) daddy and I am Scout's mommy so she has to listen to us."
- Avery on being short: "But mommy, I've stopped growing. Everyone is bigger than me and my legs are never going to be as long as Cinderella's."
- Avery on dresses: "I don't like to wear dresses because I don't like to be pretty."
- Avery on listening: "But mommy, I just don't know how to listen. My listening ears keep falling down. They won't stay up."
- Avery on sleep: "Someone needs to teach me how to sleep. I don't know how to close my eyes."
Thursday, June 20, 2013
From the day Logan was born, there was no mistaking the physical similarities between Avery and Logan. Still, I think it's funny every time someone asks me if they are twins. And then I saw this picture...
Monday, May 20, 2013
Two and a Half
This devastatingly handsome boy is two and a half today. Can you believe it? I can't.
Just yesterday, Logan was playing dress-up with Avery and two of her girlfriends. He was a topless Snow White with princess shoes and a crown. After eating ice cream, he walked up to me and said, "I got my dress dirty, mommy." I never thought I would hear those words come out of my son's mouth, but I love that I did.
My sweet boy lights up my life. He constantly makes me laugh, challenges me, surprises me and fills my heart with love. Logan wakes up in the morning ready to start the day with a huge smile, kisses for mama, a bowl of cereal and a big fight while getting dressed.
At two and a half, Logan is a master at testing his limits and loves being naughty. (His time out chair is often used.) When he's not being naughty, Logan is generally a happy, fun toddler. He is his daddy's little man and has the ladies in his life wrapped around his finger. His latest manipulation technique with me is when he grabs my face and gives me kisses and says, "Mommy, you're my best." How could anyone say no to that??
Logan is still a terrible eater. He likes spaghetti and meatballs, dinosaur nuggets (don't judge), fruit, peas, peanut butter sandwiches, cereal, cookies and ice cream. He loves trucks (especially diggers), trains, dinosaurs, puzzles, iPads and books. Logan recognizes all letters in the alphabet and can name at least one word that begins with each letter. He can count to twenty, knows the words to about thirty songs, loves telling jokes and is really good with puzzles. After spanish or sign language class, Logan loves coming home and teaching Luke and me his new words. He has trouble with colors and Luke and I suspect he might be color blind.
At Logan's well child check today, he threw an extra special fit when the nurse told him he had to get undressed. He then told his doctor that his feet are stinky and that he has a big penis. I couldn't get out of the office soon enough. Logan's two and a half year stats weren't surprising. He is 34" tall which puts him in the 6th percentile for height and 22 lbs, 11 oz which is less than the 5th percentile for weight.
Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Logan!
Pretending to be a baby stygimoloch dinosaur. |
Thursday, May 9, 2013
I Love Surprises!
We leave tomorrow morning to take the kids to "Mickey and Minnie's House". They have been asking to go for months and we found some $25 direct airfares flying out of Columbia. We just couldn't pass up the chance to take the kids to Disney World. The best part of this trip is that it is going to be a complete surprise to the kids. Thats right, the kids know nothing! Our plan is to pretend we are taking them to school in the morning and drive to the airport instead. I downloaded some extra Disney apps and shows on their iPads and bought Disney books and coloring books to keep the kids entertained on the flight. I also bought each kid a new pair of Disney jammies and special Disney shirts from my friend at Too Kute Boutique.
I can't wait to see the kids' faces when they figure out where we are going. I will definitely have my cameras ready!
Meeting a princess in February 2010 |
Our Family in February 2010. I hope to recreate this with the addition of little man. |
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Standing Your Ground
Lately, the weather has been terrible in Missouri. Cold and rainy for weeks days. Unfortunately, being house-ridden makes the Musselman people quite cranky. After an especially rainy day, I decided to do something special with the kids last week. When I picked Avery and Logan up from school, I told them I would take them to Going Bonkers (indoor play place heaven) after dinner. The catch? The kids had to try everything on their dinner plate. You see, I am not a believer in making kids clean their plates, but I am tired of my kids eating nothing but chicken nuggets and pizza. At school, the kids have a "try it and you'll like it" theory started to implement that at home. Avery is an eater and does a great job trying new things. Logan does not. His preferred diet is limited to yogurt, chicken nuggets, pizza, hot dogs, pancakes, cereal, chocolate, fruit and peas. I know, I know, there are worse things in life than having a picky eater. I'm just tired of being a short order cook.
On this particular night, I made grilled chicken, cous cous, peas and blueberries. Avery, being so excited about Bonkers, quickly ate everything I gave her, went potty and got ready for Bonkers. Logan wasn't quite as obedient. He ate his peas and blueberries, but refused to touch his chicken or cous cous. As a rule, I don't push the starches on the kids (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, etc.) so I wasn't concerned about the cous cous, but the chicken was a battleground and we were on opposite sides. Logan is two so he only had to eat two bites of chicken to get to go to Bonkers. He didn't eat his chicken so Avery and I left him home with daddy while we went to play. Mom guilt quickly set in as I listened to Logan scream, "I want to go Bonkers.", when Avery and I walked out the door. It broke my heart to make Logan sad, but I am a big believer in consequences and follow through. (Of course I sent Luke a text the second I got to Bonkers telling him that I wanted Logan to be with us. Fortunately, Luke and I are on the same page and Luke stood strong and kept Logan at home.)
Avery and I had a great time playing together and having a little playdate. After Bonkers, Avery and I decided to pick up frozen custard. She asked me to get some for Logan. I complied, but told her Logan could only have the custard if he ate his two pieces of chicken. We got home and Logan hadn't eaten his chicken. He wanted ice cream so I told him he needed to eat his chicken. He sat at the table and ate more peas, but no chicken. He watched Avery eat ice cream and begged for his own ice cream. He never at chicken and went to bed without ice cream. I know, mean mommy.
The next morning, Logan woke up happy, gave me a big kiss and said, "Sorry, mommy. I don't yike (like) chicken. Will you please take me Bonkers?" We still haven't been back, but the next time we had chicken, he ate three bites. Maybe things are turning around??
On this particular night, I made grilled chicken, cous cous, peas and blueberries. Avery, being so excited about Bonkers, quickly ate everything I gave her, went potty and got ready for Bonkers. Logan wasn't quite as obedient. He ate his peas and blueberries, but refused to touch his chicken or cous cous. As a rule, I don't push the starches on the kids (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, etc.) so I wasn't concerned about the cous cous, but the chicken was a battleground and we were on opposite sides. Logan is two so he only had to eat two bites of chicken to get to go to Bonkers. He didn't eat his chicken so Avery and I left him home with daddy while we went to play. Mom guilt quickly set in as I listened to Logan scream, "I want to go Bonkers.", when Avery and I walked out the door. It broke my heart to make Logan sad, but I am a big believer in consequences and follow through. (Of course I sent Luke a text the second I got to Bonkers telling him that I wanted Logan to be with us. Fortunately, Luke and I are on the same page and Luke stood strong and kept Logan at home.)
Avery and I had a great time playing together and having a little playdate. After Bonkers, Avery and I decided to pick up frozen custard. She asked me to get some for Logan. I complied, but told her Logan could only have the custard if he ate his two pieces of chicken. We got home and Logan hadn't eaten his chicken. He wanted ice cream so I told him he needed to eat his chicken. He sat at the table and ate more peas, but no chicken. He watched Avery eat ice cream and begged for his own ice cream. He never at chicken and went to bed without ice cream. I know, mean mommy.
The next morning, Logan woke up happy, gave me a big kiss and said, "Sorry, mommy. I don't yike (like) chicken. Will you please take me Bonkers?" We still haven't been back, but the next time we had chicken, he ate three bites. Maybe things are turning around??
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Love Her
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
This Is Two...
This is two...I wake up giggling.
This is two... and I'm learning how to be part of a group.
This is two...One day I will learn that vacuuming isn't so much fun.
This is two...Makeup? Who cares, I can pretend to wear it if I want to!
This is two...I now know the magic of Santa and his reindeer.
This is two...Sure, puppies love drinking from a baby bottle.
This is two...And I terrorize my sister!
This is two...Who wouldn't want to sleep on the stairs?!?
This is two...Wait until you see me in college.
This is two...I perform my tricks nightly.
This is two...Since I'm no longer a 'lap-child' my parents are looking for other ways to fly me for free.
This is two...I like trucks.
This is two...I cry throw fits without notice.
This is two...We love each other.
This is two...I can be a crocodile whenever I want.
This is two...My dad rocks!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Snow Day
All week, the weatherman threatened us with a winter storm hitting Columbia and the rest of Missouri today. As per usual, I took the threat pretty lightly. On Wednesday night, Columbia Public Schools cancelled classes for today and I simply laughed as I hadn't even seen a flurry. This morning, I woke up, looked outside and got myself ready for work and the kids ready for school. I dropped them off at 8 to light flurries. Twenty minutes later, I left my first office and serious ice was coming down. I decided to attempt one more office building. I went to three offices with all but two doctors out of the office and therefore smarter than me. By the time I got out of the office, it was only 9:30 and over two inches of snow had fallen. We were being pounded by thunder, lightning, snow and ice. I immediately decided to pick up the kids. Avery was exstatic and Logan was a little confused. Our normally 25 minute drive home took over an hour with two stops to deice my windshield wipers. Shortly after I got home, the highway shut down. No one should have been on the roads. I guess the weather predictions were correct; as of 9:30 pm, we have at least nine inches of snow and sleet.
Anyway, Luke is in Milwaukee and Minneapolis this week so it was just me and the kids. As soon as I got to school to pick them up, Avery grinned, jumped up and down and said, "Now that we are going home, it must be time to play in the snow." Don't worry, I didn't deprive my girl of her snow time. I even took her out to play a second time while Logan napped since he hated the snow so much. Overall, we had a great day playing dress up, making snow cream, playing in the snow, reading books, watching a couple shows and practicing letters. The kids were so good. I might even stretch to say that this might have been our best day as three.
Enjoy our fun pictures from our fun day!
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We didn't have snow pants, so layering with sissy's leggings had to do. |
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"No, Logan do it." |
Lost in the snow. |
"Mom! I think I'm stuck." |
Pure Joy! |
Avery loves the snow, Logan does not. |
Maybe we should have just watched from inside. |
Post snow Lorax watching. |
Second Serving |
Snow Cream! |
Third Serving |
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
We Wear Two Ponytails On Tuesdays...
You know it's going to be a good day when Avery marches into your room first thing in the morning and declares,"I need two ponytails, like Josalyn is going to wear." Let's be honest; her hair is certainly not thick enough for ponytails so hence forth we will refer to them as 'pigtails'. When she asked for pigtails, I didn't think about it too much. She looked just a little more grown up and was so excited to see herself in the mirror that she giggled. Sure enough, when I dropped Avery off at school, Josalyn was wearing two ponytails.
Today, Luke asked Avery if she wanted pigtails again. Her response: "It's not Tuesday so Josalyn and I only need one ponytail." I just smiled as I put one ponytail in her hair. When we arrived at school, I had to check out Josalyn's hair. Sure enough, just a single ponytail.
We love Josalyn and I think it's great that Avery has a bestie at school. It's even better that Logan also loves Josalyn and Luke and I get along with her parents (Luke and Matt seem to enjoy an adult beverage every now and then). I just don't know how I feel about my three year old already planning her hairstyle with her friends.
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No, mom, I really do need two. |
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Thank you. Now we will look alike while we work on our plan to grow up too quickly. |
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
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