Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Logan: Three


Today you, my silly boy, turned three.  I like this picture because it encapsulates everything I love about you. Logan, you are unbelievably confident and stubborn, yet silly and loving. You can bring me to my breaking point by throwing a huge fit, then change my reaction in a second with a simple "mommy kiss?".

You are funny, imaginative and smart. At school, your teachers tell me that you are always the first to know your letters, numbers and days of the week. You love Spanish and sign language class and often come home teaching mommy and daddy (and sometimes even Avery) your new words and signs. You constantly tell jokes and think you are the funniest kid on earth. (Truthfully, I often think you are too. :-))

Your favorite toys are dinosaurs, Lightning McQueen and excavators. When you go to bed at night, you have to take ALL your favorite toys with you. Sometimes I wonder how you fit in the bed with all of your "stuff". Daddy and I don't fight it because you go to bed without a fuss every night and usually wake up happy and singing.

Your appetite is still lacking. For some reason, food just isn't a priority for you unless it's chocolate or cookies. Clearly, there's no denying you are my son!

You know how to manipulate your mommy, sweet boy. Tonight, as I put you in bed, you asked for another book. I said no and told you that you could read it to yourself in bed. Your response, "But mommy, I don't know all the words so I really really need your help." We read the book.

Jack Attack, you are the true love of my life (don't tell daddy).  I can't imagine a day without your kisses, jokes and love in my life.



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