Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Logan’s 8!


You are eight years old today! Watching you grow up this past year has been so much fun; somehow you suddenly turned into a big kid. As your mom, this change is a little bittersweet and I now treasure your rare “little kid” moments. 

The other night, we had a small birthday celebration with a few of your school buddies. When we got home, it was late and I had a huge list of things to do before work the following day. After you finished showering and brushing your teeth, you came to me and said, “You know what would make my birthday celebration even better, mommy? If you read a Moonlight book with me, it will be the start to the best birthday ever!” How could I say no? 

When I think about one word to describe you, sweet boy, “passionate” is the first word that comes to mind. Every day is either your “best day ever” or your “worst day ever”. You fight hard and love even harder. Parenting you is often a challenge, but the reward is always worth it. 

You are sweet, kind and thoughtful. When we sit down for dinner, you are usually the first one to ask about everyone’s day. You show sincere interest in the people around you and show genuine excitement when someone has a great day. 

Seven was a pretty great year for you, Logan. You began the year playing Tiny Tim in The Lyceum Theater’s production of The Christmas Carol. For six straight weeks, you spent your afternoons, evenings and weekends in Arrow Rock, MO preparing for the 13 performances. I might be slightly biased, but I felt like you stole the show. Seven also brought the end of first grade and the beginning of second, playing on basketball and soccer teams and finally becoming more comfortable in the water!

Mommy and daddy are so happy to be your parents and we can’t wait to see what the next year has in store!



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