Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 20, 2013

Two and a Half

This devastatingly handsome boy is two and a half today.  Can you believe it?  I can't.  

Just yesterday, Logan was playing dress-up with Avery and two of her girlfriends.  He was a topless Snow White with princess shoes and a crown.  After eating ice cream, he walked up to me and said, "I got my dress dirty, mommy."  I never thought I would hear those words come out of my son's mouth, but I love that I did.

My sweet boy lights up my life.  He constantly makes me laugh, challenges me, surprises me and fills my heart with love.  Logan wakes up in the morning ready to start the day with a huge smile, kisses for mama, a bowl of cereal and a big fight while getting dressed.

At two and a half, Logan is a master at testing his limits and loves being naughty.  (His time out chair is often used.)  When he's not being naughty, Logan is generally a happy, fun toddler.  He is his daddy's little man and has the ladies in his life wrapped around his finger.  His latest manipulation technique with me is when he grabs my face and gives me kisses and says, "Mommy, you're my best."  How could anyone say no to that??

Logan is still a terrible eater.  He likes spaghetti and meatballs, dinosaur nuggets (don't judge), fruit, peas, peanut butter sandwiches, cereal, cookies and ice cream.  He loves trucks (especially diggers), trains, dinosaurs, puzzles, iPads and books.  Logan recognizes all letters in the alphabet and can name at least one word that begins with each letter.  He can count to twenty, knows the words to about thirty songs, loves telling jokes and is really good with puzzles.  After spanish or sign language class, Logan loves coming home and teaching Luke and me his new words.  He has trouble with colors and Luke and I suspect he might be color blind.

At Logan's well child check today, he threw an extra special fit when the nurse told him he had to get undressed.  He then told his doctor that his feet are stinky and that he has a big penis.  I couldn't get out of the office soon enough.  Logan's two and a half year stats weren't surprising.  He is 34" tall which puts him in the 6th percentile for height and 22 lbs, 11 oz which is less than the 5th percentile for weight.

Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Logan!

Pretending to be a baby stygimoloch dinosaur.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Love Surprises!

We leave tomorrow morning to take the kids to "Mickey and Minnie's House".  They have been asking to go for months and we found some $25 direct airfares flying out of Columbia.  We just couldn't pass up the chance to take the kids to Disney World.  The best part of this trip is that it is going to be a complete surprise to the kids.  Thats right, the kids know nothing!  Our plan is to pretend we are taking them to school in the morning and drive to the airport instead.  I downloaded some extra Disney apps and shows on their iPads and bought Disney books and coloring books to keep the kids entertained on the flight.  I also bought each kid a new pair of Disney jammies and special Disney shirts from my friend at Too Kute Boutique.

I can't wait to see the kids' faces when they figure out where we are going.  I will definitely have my cameras ready!

Meeting a princess in February 2010

Our Family in February 2010.  I hope to recreate this with the addition of little man.