Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 20, 2015



Today you are five!  How did this happen, best buddy?  In five years, so many things have changed, but your contagious laugh and huge smile have stayed the same.  I hope you never lose your joy for the little things in life.  I love watching you get excited when you learn a new dance, learn how to read a new book or build a Lego creation.  I hope your enthusiasm for learning never ends.  Every day you come home from school, you tell me something new you learned about an animal, an occupation, a letter, nature, anything.  You get so excited and are so proud of yourself.  Of course, I am also proud of you, sweet boy.

At bedtime last night, I asked you if you wanted some extra mommy snuggles on your last night as a four year old.  You squealed, grabbed your B and puppy and ran to my bed to build a fort for us out of my pillows.  As you tried to fall asleep, you told me all about being five and how great it's going to be.  You reminded me that you will soon be in Kindergarten and hope to ride the bus home with Avery, but made sure I knew you wouldn't be able to sit past the exit sign.  Clearly your sister is preparing you for the important aspects of school!

Four was a fun year, Logan!  You are working hard on addition and reading and continuing your goal of becoming a dinosaur expert.  We went on fun family trips to Legoland and the beach in Florida and Disney in California.

You are such a sweet and loving boy.  In the morning, you are always the first to run to me to give me kisses and tell me that you love me.  At night, you always ask me about my day and give me lots of hugs and kisses.  You make me so happy.

I love you, Birthday Boy!

Love, Mommy