Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

Back To Reality

Today was my first "official" day back at work. I say this loosely because there was little I could do other than sit at home, sort through e-mails and talk to my co-workers. I now have to send my computer back to headquarters to get a "refresh" for my return from leave so it will likely be next week before I can really get back to my job. For the new year, I have a new boss and I'm excited to get to know her.

Luckily, my mom was kind enough to come to Columbia for the next couple weeks so I can hold off taking Logan to day care. Today, it was nice being able to leave my home office whenever I wanted to give Logan kisses or get a little cuddle time. I'm sure I will be a mess the first time I have to drop my little man off at day care. The decision to go back to work so soon was tough, but was something I needed to do.
Part of the reason I decided to return to work at this time is because of some exciting, yet scary family news. Luke and I have made the tough decision to be closer to his job and move to Milwaukee, WI sometime this year. Thankfully, Luke's company is relocating us, but we will wait to make the official move until our house sells. I am excited for what this new adventure has in store for our family, but will miss being close to family and friends and am dreading the cold winters.
In other news, we set up Avery's big girl bed and furniture this weekend. She is so excited to be in her new bed. This morning, Luke found her jumping on her bed and talking to her sock monkey when he went in to wake her up. I hate than my baby girl is growing up so fast, but am incredibly proud of her as well.

With Avery's move into a big girl bed, Logan finally got a real crib. As of now, he still shares his room with the office, but we hope to remedy that this weekend. Side Note: I promise we don't neglect poor Logan, we just planned on waiting until we move to decorate and set up another nursery.
Maybe Logan's room will be put together soon. Poor guy.
Over the next couple days, we are supposed to get Missouri's winter storm of the decade. Governer Jay Nixon has called in the Missouri National Guard. We are expected to get half an inch of ice tonight and then 16-24 inches of snow tomorrow and tomorrow night. If this happens, the city will shut down for days. Because of the winter storm threat, Luke's flight was cancelled tomorrow so he had to fly out to LA this evening. Poor guy...

Avery helping Daddy shovel after the last snowfall.
I am currently watching the latest ridiculous installment of The Bachelor as winter storm warnings flash across the bottom of my TV screen. As I watch the previews for the upcoming episodes, I want to be the next Bachelorette. The clothes, the dates, the trips, Luke wouldn't mind, would he? I can dream, but for now, I will continue enjoying my nightly Guinness beer (to stimulate my breast milk production) while I hold and stare at my sweet Logan.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two Months

My sweet little man is two months old today. The past two months have been so much fun with Logan. I love spending my days playing, feeding and cuddling with him. Unfortunately, next week is my last week at home. I'm dreading going back to work, but we made the decision to keep Avery in daycare during my leave so it's time for me to start bringing home a paycheck again.

Logan went to the doctor at six weeks instead of two months. At six weeks, his weight was 9 lbs., 5 oz. and his height was 21.75". For both height and weight, he was in the 25-50%.

At two months, Logan:
  • sleeps seven to eight hours at night.

  • nurses every three to four hours during the day.
  • LOVES women.

  • gives lots of smiles when mama talks to him.

  • likes to cuddle.

  • prefers taking baths without his infant bath so he can splash and kick.

  • likes his bouncy seat.

  • is a good sport when Avery hugs, kisses and plays with him.

Avery, Luke and I fall more in love with Logan every day. I still can't believe I have been blessed with two healthy, beautiful children. Like every other mother on earth, I truly believe I have two of the most perfect children. Life is good!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Musselman/Chamberlain/O'Sullivan Family Photos

For Christmas, Luke and I arranged to have a photographer, Jaclyn Jezik, take pictures of the extended Musselman family. It was so fun to be able to capture some great photos of everyone while we were together. Mike and Coby's dog, Dozer, even joined us for a few pictures. Enjoy some of my favorites.Add Image

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

18 Months

Avery recently turned 18 months. To commemorate the occasion, Luke and I watched some old home videos. By doing this, we realized two things. 1: We are TERRIBLE at taking videos. Seriously, we have two videos from Avery's first two weeks of life and then didn't take another video for four months. This happened again after her first birthday. I told Luke I would be better from now on, but am not getting my hopes up. 2: Since Avery's first birthday, she has turned into a full-fledged toddler. She's actually more like 1 going on 13, but that is for another post.
At Avery's 18 month appointment, she was 22 lbs, 4 oz and 31.75" tall. She is in the 10-25% for both weight and height and continues to be in the 95% for head circumference. We keep telling ourselves her head size is due to her huge brain, but we both know it is really Luke's fault since he can barely find hats that fit.
At 18 months, Avery's personality has really developed. She is feisty and opinionated, sweet and loving. She is talking up a storm and recently started saying two word phrases. Her favorites are commands like, "Daddy sit.", "I sit." and "More please.". She knows all of her body parts and can point out about ten different animals in her animal book. She can also make monkey, cow, dog and cat sounds. Avery still loves to eat. Her teachers joke that eating is her favorite subject! Sometimes I think she eats more than I do. Good thing she seems to have a decent metabolism. In the past couple months, Avery has also learned to LOVE the TV and iPad. Her favorite TV show is The Backyardigans. It's kind of sad, but she giggles and dances when she hears the TV "on" noise or sees the guide on the TV pop up. Avery loves her baby brother and is such a good helper. She likes to help give Logan baths and change his diaper as well as play with him and hug on him. We just have to watch her closely because she sometimes likes to hug a little tight. Finally, like a typical girl, Avery has already gotten picky about her shoes and clothes. She likes to pick out her shirts and shoes in the morning. It's funny because I often hear Luke and Avery fighting over what she is going to wear. Unfortunately, she has almost outgrown her favorite shirt. I tried to find another one, but didn't have any luck. Oh, well! She has to learn about disappointment sometime, right?
Wearing her favorite shirt

Loving on Logan. He's thrilled...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ringing In The New Year

Happy 2011! To mark the start of a new year, Luke and I spent a quiet evening at home. After Avery went to bed, we ate dinner without having to take a break or reheat it, drank chocolate wine out of our wedding crystal, watched a movie without interruptions and fell fast asleep before midnight. It was an unremarkable evening to top off an amazing year.

2010 was another year full of big change for the Musselman family. Over the course of the year, Avery's personality blossomed as she started walking and talking. She is such a fun little girl and I feel lucky to be her mom. In January, I survived another round of layoffs as Merck merged with Schering Plough. In July, Luke started a new job with Hayes Bicycle Group. He is the Aftermarket Sales Manager for North and South America. He travels all over the world and gets to talk about bikes all day. I can't imagine a better job for Luke. Finally, on November 20, our family grew to four as we welcomed Logan Newton into our family. He is such a good baby and I love every minute I get to spend with him.

This year, I have decided to make a few resolutions. To start, I plan to take more time to enjoy life and the time I spend with my family. For most of you who know me well, I like to "get stuff done" and seem to always be busy. For 2011, I am not going to worry if the house is not perfectly clean or if I don't always get birthday or thank you cards out as I plan. In 2011, I am going to be sure to take the time to enjoy the little things in life. Like everyone else, I plan to exercise more. After two babies in two years and 30 quickly approaching, my body simply isn't what it used to be. Now, I have no intention of losing weight, dieting or giving up my beloved chocolate, I will simply make the time to exercise multiple times a week so that I am more fit and healthy. In 2011, I will also finish Avery's baby book and START on Logan's. Finally, I plan to have more dates with Luke. Since Avery was born, Luke and I have really neglected our time as a couple. Even if we simply stay home and have dinner and watch a movie after the kids go to bed, I promise I will spend more iPad, computer, phone free time with Luke.
I hope everyone had a nice end to 2010 and has had a wonderful start to 2011.