Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

18 Months

Avery recently turned 18 months. To commemorate the occasion, Luke and I watched some old home videos. By doing this, we realized two things. 1: We are TERRIBLE at taking videos. Seriously, we have two videos from Avery's first two weeks of life and then didn't take another video for four months. This happened again after her first birthday. I told Luke I would be better from now on, but am not getting my hopes up. 2: Since Avery's first birthday, she has turned into a full-fledged toddler. She's actually more like 1 going on 13, but that is for another post.
At Avery's 18 month appointment, she was 22 lbs, 4 oz and 31.75" tall. She is in the 10-25% for both weight and height and continues to be in the 95% for head circumference. We keep telling ourselves her head size is due to her huge brain, but we both know it is really Luke's fault since he can barely find hats that fit.
At 18 months, Avery's personality has really developed. She is feisty and opinionated, sweet and loving. She is talking up a storm and recently started saying two word phrases. Her favorites are commands like, "Daddy sit.", "I sit." and "More please.". She knows all of her body parts and can point out about ten different animals in her animal book. She can also make monkey, cow, dog and cat sounds. Avery still loves to eat. Her teachers joke that eating is her favorite subject! Sometimes I think she eats more than I do. Good thing she seems to have a decent metabolism. In the past couple months, Avery has also learned to LOVE the TV and iPad. Her favorite TV show is The Backyardigans. It's kind of sad, but she giggles and dances when she hears the TV "on" noise or sees the guide on the TV pop up. Avery loves her baby brother and is such a good helper. She likes to help give Logan baths and change his diaper as well as play with him and hug on him. We just have to watch her closely because she sometimes likes to hug a little tight. Finally, like a typical girl, Avery has already gotten picky about her shoes and clothes. She likes to pick out her shirts and shoes in the morning. It's funny because I often hear Luke and Avery fighting over what she is going to wear. Unfortunately, she has almost outgrown her favorite shirt. I tried to find another one, but didn't have any luck. Oh, well! She has to learn about disappointment sometime, right?
Wearing her favorite shirt

Loving on Logan. He's thrilled...

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