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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks

I can't believe Thanksgiving is already over. It seriously seems like just yesterday, I found out I was pregnant and expecting a Thanksgiving baby. I was terrified at the thought of having two kids under two. Today, I am thankful for my two perfect babies. It is exhausting having kids so close together in age, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

I am thankful for my husband. Although we don't ALWAYS see eye to eye, I couldn't imagine a better partner in life. He is a wonderful father, husband and provider.
I am thankful for friends and family, near and far. Luke, Avery, Logan and I appreciate all of the continuous love and support we receive from all of you.
I am thankful for our jobs. Luke and I are fortunate to have careers we love that help us provide for our family.
I am thankful for chocolate. Without chocolate, I am not sure I would be able to make it through the long nights with my sweet Logan.

I am thankful for a good country song. Today, I watched the Oprah episode with Garth Brooks and got to hear him sing my all-time favorite song, "The Dance".

I am thankful for the body's ability to bounce back after pregnancy, labor and delivery.

I am thankful for Avery's big mommy hugs. Nothing else in the world matters when Avery has her arms wrapped around my neck.

I am thankful for cuddle time with my little man. I just love falling asleep with Logan in my arms.

I am thankful for Skype and international cell phone access on Verizon. It melts my heart when Avery talks to her daddy while he is away.

I am thankful to have made it these first two days while Luke is in Taiwan. Of course I will be even more thankful when he gets back. Being a single parent to a 17 month-old and a one-week old is hard work!

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